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A vision of transferring your dreams and desires into a reality by linking quality craftsmanship with the beauty of natural stone.

That’s what makes us different!

    The phrase "quality craftsmanship" is widely claimed, but to the true craftsman the phrase is not easily attained. Commitment, dedication and years of experience are the essentials needed in attaining and perfecting the art of excellence. The tasks are hard, demanding and challenging but therein lies the achievement and satisfaction.


    Atlas Tile & Stone is a custom fabricator of natural stone that caters to the exact specifications of our customers request. Custom work is what we know and perfect . By applying over 25 collective years of experience in traditional skills of craftsmanship and hand finishing, we provide our customers with the finest workmanship possible. With Atlas Tile & Stone, every order is given the utmost attention in service and quality. Our customers can be assured that their custom fabricated stone will fulfill their expectations.


    Creating a beautiful final product is only a fraction of our business. Because the market has recently been flooded with competitors it has become a constant reminder of how we value customer service. Atlas strives to work with our customers through the entire stone process, from the initial stages of gathering ideas and discussing options to the closing stages of the final product and installation. We believe that it is important to educate our customers and assist them with any questions or concerns. Thus, in order to give the utmost attention to service and quality, the process involves working with our customers in addition to working for them.


    In life change is constant, therefore we are continually finding and creating unique approaches to satisfy the ever-changing trends and needs of contemporary lifestyles. Atlas is consistently developing new techniques and ideas to stay in tune with these demands.


    Dedication to hard work and attention to detail has graciously brought us persistent growth and as a result, Atlas Tile & Stone now has a reputation to uphold. A precedent has been set forth and in order to meet our goals and keep our vision, we must and will follow this pattern of success. 


    Our customer base which includes builders, interior designers, contractors, kitchen and bath retailers, remodeling contractors, tile contractors, and retail has grown rapidly. Our custom work can be seen in many applications; homes, offices, places of business, restaurants and hospitality areas. Although our customer base has grown to become quite broad, every order is given the same respect, dedicated to provide quality fabrication and service.


Because Atlas Tile & Stone realizes and understands the true meaning of quality,

we welcome the challenges of the future.



Our primary focus is continued customer satisfaction retained through our quality fabrication process and service.

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